Welcome to NurseBilling™

We Track. You Bill. They Pay

Convert your nursing workforce into a profit boosting powerhouse adept at reducing claim denials

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What We Do

the Nursing Way

NurseBilling™ by NurseBrain® is a nurse-centric accounting and billing model that simplifies charge capture through nursing engagement


We use the Nursing Process to track, document and generate the appropriate codes


You incoporate the generated codes in your medical claim submission


You receive your reimbursement while reducing your claim denial rate

Why Nursebilling

At the Frontline of Reimbursements

Nurses are uniquely positioned to provide high quality charge capture due to their in-depth understanding of the patient’s care from admission to discharge

Valued Based Care

We increase profit by accurately reflecting patient complexity and meeting designated value based care quality measures

Cleaner Claims

We increase first-time claim payouts by reducing the amount of time it takes to accurately build and authenticate billing codes

Documentation Burden Reduction

We increase the quality of nursing documentation while significantly reducing the associated documentation burden


We use NurseBrain®’s intelligent cloud based platform to securely automate Clinical Documentation Improvement